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Occupations - More Info

Title: Mining Engineer

Definition: Mining engineers plan, design, organize and supervise the development of mines, mine facilities, systems and equipment; and prepare and supervise the extraction of metallic or non-metallic minerals and ores from underground or surface mines.

Definition (More Info):

Education Program: Undergraduate program in Mining engineering is not available in Atlantic Canada.

First Credential: Bachelors degree

Salary Range:
• PEGNL Mean Salary (2018): Mining/Metallurgical = $106,563.
• PayScale Canada (Jun 2021): Entry low=$65,000. Entry median=$86,000.

Salary (More Info):
• PEGNL: Engineers Canada 2018 Salary Survey, Atlantic Region
• Payscale: Mining Engineer

Related Specialties: Mineral engineer, Geological engineer, Metallurgical engineer, Material engineer, Petroleum engineer

Professional Associations:
Mining Association of Canada
Canadian Association of Mining Equipment & Services for Export
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum (CIM)
Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME)

Other Resources:
Mining Industry Human Resources Council
Mining Career Quiz


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