Occupations - More Info
Title: Geologist
Definition: The scientist who studies the structures of the earth (rocks, soils, fossils, etc.), their origin and history as well as processes like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Definition (More Info):
Education Program: Undergraduate program
• MUN - Geology
First Credential: Bachelors degree
Salary Range: Canada (Jul 2021): Entry Low: $49k. Entry Median: $73k.
Salary (More Info): Payscale: Geologist
Related Specialties: Earth Scientist, Mineralogist, Gemmologist, Paleontologist, Petrologist, Exploration geologist, Hydrologist/hydrogeologist, Structural geologist, Sedimentologist, Petrophysicist.
Professional Associations: PEGNL; Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists
Other Resources: Natural Resources Canada; Society of Economic Geologists; Occupational Profile