Occupations - More Info
Title: Manufacturing Engineer
Definition: Manufacturing engineers are involved with the process of manufacturing from planning to packaging of the finished product. They work with tools such as robots, programmable and numerical controllers, and vision system to fine tune assembly, packaging, and shipping facilities. They examine flow and the process of manufacturing, looking for ways to streamline production, improve turnaround, and reduce costs (figuring out methods and systems to produce a product in an efficient, cost-effective way to provide a marketing edge for the final product).
Definition (More Info):
• TryEngineering.org
Education Program: An undergraduate program in Manufacturing Engineering is not available in Atlantic provinces.
First Credential: Bachelors degree
Salary Range:
• Canada (Jul 2021): Entry low=$50,000. Entry median=$65,000.
Salary (More Info):
• PayScale: Manufacturing Engineer
Related Specialties:
Industrial engineer, Mechanical engineer, Electrical engineer
Professional Associations:
• Society of Manufacturing Engineers Canada
Other Resources:
• Association for Manufacturing Excellence
• National Association of Manufacturers